Contact Lens Services
Whether you are a current contact lens wearer or wanting to try out contact lenses for the first time, our doctors and staff are eager to meet your contact lens needs. We offer a wide range of soft contact lenses that vary in duration of wear as well as medically necessary contact lenses.
Our contact lens exam expands upon our comprehensive eye exam to include the necessary testing required to determine your ability to wear contact lenses as well as the correct lens prescription and modality for you. One size does not fit all when it comes to contact lenses. Our doctors will take additional measurements to ensure you have a properly fitting contact lens. An improperly fit lens may lead to blurry vision and discomfort and can exacerbate conditions such as dry eye and ocular allergies. Conditions such as keratoconus or other corneal irregularities may require a more in depth fitting process.
We recommend that all of our contact lens patients have yearly comprehensive eye exams to check general eye health and to ensure that you are still seeing your best with your contact lenses.

First Time Contact Lens Fits
After the appropriate contact lens prescription and lens design is determined by our doctors, the patient will then be required to complete Insertion and Removal Training. During this training, the patient will work with one of our staff members to learn how to safely insert and remove the contact lenses from their eyes. Once we are confident that the patient can safely handle their contact lenses they will be allowed to take the lenses home and continue contact lens wear.
Our doctors see all first time wearers for a follow-up exam to ensure that the patient is successfully adapting to the lenses.
Types of Contact Lenses ​
​Daily Disposable Lenses ​
Daily lenses are quickly becoming the most popular type of soft contact lens among patients. These lenses are disposed of after 1 day of wear. They are proven to be the most hygienic option for all contact lens wearers, but especially for those that struggle with dry eye or eye allergies. Daily lenses help to reduce the incident of bacterial infections as well.
Monthly Lenses
These lenses are intended for daily wear but are to be removed, cleaned and stored each night.
Toric Lenses for Astigmatism Correction
Astigmatism is a condition that occurs when the front surface of the eye - the cornea - is not perfectly round. Most patient's have some amount of astigmatism, but those that have a significant amount present in their prescription may benefit from toric contact lenses that are designed to correct for the specific curvature of their eyes.
Multifocal Lenses for Presbyopia
Presbyopia is a condition in which it becomes more difficult to focus at near and worsens with age starting around 40. Multifocal lenses may allow patients to be able to see at both distance and near, much like a bifocal pair of glasses would.
Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses (RGPs)
RGP Lenses are hard contact lenses that may be recommended for patients with irregular corneas, keratoconus, or high prescriptions that may be difficult to adequately correct with soft contact lenses.
Contact Lens Recylcing​
Pavletic Eye Care is now a contact lens recycling center! We have joined the Bausch + Lomb ONE by ONE recycling program through Terracycle in an effort to help reduce the amount of waste due to contact lens wear. Terracycle allows for the proper recycling of used soft contact lenses and their blister packs, which cannot be properly recycled through conventional means. For each pound of contact lens materials recycled, Terracycle will donated $1 to Optometry Giving Sight. All brands of soft contact lenses are accepted. If you are interested in reducing your waste and would like to learn more, call our office or ask how you can participate at your next eye exam!